Performance Plumbing & HVAC takes pride in providing and servicing quality heating and cooling products.
Below is just a sample of the companies providing exceptional products for your next project.
Click on any of the logos below to find out more.

Fujitsu heating and cooling products

Fujitsu offers whisper-quiet, energy-efficient cooling and heating systems. These units are sleek and require no ductwork. It is a flexible solution for room-by-room temperature control. Download the brochure.

Fujitsu Heat Pump Air Conditioning

Download Product Brochure


Viessmann is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of efficient, reliable and affordable heating products. Our innovative solutions are simple to install, service and use. Viessmann offers a compehensive range of German-engineered products for applications in residential, multi-family, commercial, light industrial, schools, universities, municipalities and government buildings.

Viessmann installation 

LG Heat Pump Installation

Products from LG offer single and multi-room solutions for home comfort. One LG inverter-driven multi-room outdoor unit can support two, three, four or up to eight rooms or areas. Accessories and controls complete your LG home comfort solution.
